Regensburg clusters bundle AI expertise in the goAIR project

Four industry clusters are located in both the technology and start-up centers of the City of Regensburg-BioPark and TechBase, which for the first time have launched a cross-network initiative in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The cross-cluster project, in which the BioRegion Regensburg is involved, was convincing at the federal level and is being funded for 1 year with funds from the “go-cluster” program.

In Regensburg – a high-tech and science location where artificial intelligence shows itself in all its facets - the Sensor Technology / Strategic Partnership Sensor Technology e. V. has been working since 2020 with the Mobility & Logistics clusters, the IT Security Cluster e. V. and the BioPark Regensburg GmbH with its Life Science and Healthcare Cluster Regensburg BioRegion in the joint AI initiative AIR (Artificial Intelligence Regensburg). The four networks have also impressed at the federal level: For their approach of a cross-cluster and cross-domain service portfolio “goAIR – Artificial Intelligence Regensburg” they receive funding from the “goCluster” program from October 2021 until September 2022.


Service „Data-driven Business“

For the sensor technology cluster, the supporting association Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e. V. (Strategic Partnership for Sensor Technology) is developing a new cluster concept. SPS is developing a new cluster service: the new "Data-driven Business" service unit is intended to help not only generate data, but also use data and manage data flows efficiently. Only when data becomes information can new value be created.

Regional cluster organizations work together effectively if they can clearly convey the added value of their joint initiative to the outside world and offer a joint service portfolio without having to give up their respective specialist expertise and brand. In particular, cross-sectional technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) require these types of collaboratives, so-called cross-cluster concepts. The Regensburg initiative AIR is a clear commitment from the regional networks for “their” region to jointly deliver a future-oriented, regional development concept that actively involves and mobilizes their respective stakeholders. The networks are based in both technology and start-up centers in the City of Regensburg, but their activities have a nationwide appeal. The networks have been sitting around one table here since spring 2020 - the funding now allows the structures that have grown to be raised to a new level and be professionalized.